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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  August 11, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT

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>> today we take another step forward in helping to restore the promise of america as we move forward in this campaign and on to help lead the nation to better days, it is an honor tacious nounce my running mate and next vice-president of the united states paul. >> gop ticket is complete. mitt romney is doubling down on the economy and named paul ryan as running mate.
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good morning, i am john robers taking over from bret baier. the big announcement was made this morning in virginia. and now they are traveling to the next event. karl, they are off and running? >> they are off and running indeed and we are running up the highway from the opening stop in forfolk virginia. and to richmond and then to northern virginia, romney is hitting all three regionings of political regions was virginia tide water where there is military familis and middle of the capitol and northern virginia where there is moderate voterss and all four of the states that romney will visit with running mate paul ryan today and then hit
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the states that barack obama took and romney needs to get. >> there is a series of polls that showed him trailing president obama by a significant number and nine point in the fox news poll and 7 point in the cnn poll and that upped the pressure for him to make the bold pick. will this reset the race. this is the bold pick so many republicans looked for. >> heone of the things they talked about. mr. romney made the decision to pick paul ryan on the first of the month. that's when he told seth meyers that he picked ryan. that was several days back. and so before the polls. but just yesterday,
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mr. romney's aids said in their view that the polls are not an accurate judge and anything that happens prior to labor day is too easily ignored by american electorate. with the kids out of school. having said that they note those polls were snap shot in time and not the daily tracking polls like gall up and rasmussen which has a narrow margin. and they make the point when the running mate is announce ready to go to the republican national convention. they will combine for a 11 point bounce. it is rare that a campaign would put a number. and they expect to get a wave of momentum to put them in the lead by the time they end the republican convention in tampa florida and they start in north carolina literally the next week. >> it may not be too difficult
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to get the len point. and bill clinton, he got the grand prize it was 16 points coming out of the democratic convention in 1992, as he made the announcement, romney misspoke himself and tell us about that. >> well, yes. he had initially mentioned paul ryan and running mate as vice-presidential nominee and when he literally brought paul ryan to the stage he referred to him the next president of the united states and then corrected himself . take a listen. >> join me in vehicling the next president of the united states. paul ryan. ♪ every now and then, i am known to make a mistake. i did not make a mistake with
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this guy. but i can tell you, he's going to be the next vice-president of the united states! that was a grateful recovery for mitt romney who he himself self effacing that he does have trouble getting his words out and said exactly like he has liked to. back in 2008 then presumptive democrat nominee introduced joe biden, he made a similar error and elevated his running mate to the top and add the cherry to the cake. mr. biden referred to him bark america and a turn of phase mangled in the introduction is a sign of success with the obama-biden ticket romney did the right thing. >> everybody ges caught up in the moment. carl cameron on the campaign
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trail. we'll bring in our guest and columnist bill kristol. you have to wonder what the late night comics where he comes up to paul ryan. sometimes i have been known to make a mistake. >> i don't know. i suppose so. but it was a good natured occasion and a good recovery by mitt romney. it is tough to pull off and they did it quickly and they didn't have a huge amount of time to prepare. paul ryan flew in last night or this morning. >> can you see ann romney. pointing, you are doing it wrong. >> okay, ryan-romney ticket. i can live with that. i don't think ann romney was enthusiastic. chris, what do you think? >> this pick, there are risks
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with this pick with the older voterss and ryan budget as relate to medicare and social security. they are undoubtedly true. but you are talking about with karl. mitt romney needed to the trajectory of the lace. i am sure mitt romney made the choice before the polls were out and i am sure today's choice and i suspect mitt romney is the kind of guy who will tell you what he will have for breakfast three we thinks from now. it was set. he needed in his pick to change the trojectory about the race and all about him personally and democrats calling hem a vampire and letting a woman die of cancer . now romney is daring obama to have a fight on policy and that could shift the narrative of the election. >> you know, bill, you are one of two people and steven hayes
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called for romney to go for the gold in his pick. pick paul ryan or marko rubio. what do you think of the choice of ryan. >> i am obviously thrilled about it. and they e-mailed me promptly the moment it got out and they broke the story late last night . then on fox and elsewhere . they e-mailed me quickly and it was made on august 1st. and i take that point. and you made mention the buzz is out and jimmie carter got 10 point and bill clinton. clinton's bounce lasted and one reason why, he picked al gore and the successful bus tour. they were attractive and the george bush administration looked tire they were moderate democrats and not mondale or dukasis and carter. they will get bounce out of
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this and the republican convention and obama will get bounce out of the democratic convention. can they sustain and a moment where they redefine the campaign from being about the problems with romney's tax returns and questions about bain capital and can they make it a conservative agenda. >> on that point, it goes from mitt romney attacking on the economy and does this come spenl ryan's record with his proposal and the democrats are going to attack on that point. >> they will continue to attack and the republicans will defend themselves. they have to go on the offensive. we think it will improve the country and increase opportunities in the fut and you are economic growth. and not just gee, we have to swallow the medicine. paul ryan is a republican and
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he can influence mitt romney to sound more reagan that will help. >> we'll rely on your expertis. and what all is paul ryan bringing to the ticket. they are live outside of the district office and we are learning more and more about paul ryan as every minute unfolds, steve. >> folks in jamesroll know ryan and the ryan family a bit. he was introduced to politic in this area and carries the flavor of the region with him. across the street is the primary congressional office. he has several because this is his home town. somethingly across the street and down a few doors is the republican rock county republican headquarters and talking to dan survase who is a volunteer. phone call between romney and
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ryan about being the vice-presidential running mate that may have happened at the headquarters. volunteer he was asked to vacate his office 2:00 august 3rd for a private phone call that the congressman needed to make with the chief-of-staff . he walked in on that phone call. unbeknown to dan he may have walked in on history where the election was changed with the notification with paul ryan. when ryan introduced the initially known ryan budget, he introduced that first in his own district. we were with him when he introduced the rationale and the plan to folk in the district. generally speaking it was well received. the ryan plan makes fundmtal changes to medicare and social security. for those receive now, nothing
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would change. but in the future, different sorts of changes would be happening including medicare would be a voucher system which people could use it in the same sense medicare part d and shop afor the best possible coverage and service based on amount of money they individually have to spend and it is less of a government health care program where health care is provided for under the ryan plan and individuals can seek the best kind of care basod their individual health needs in hopes of bringing the cost of the program down it is generally believed that the trajectory of the particular social program is unsustainable and cause major budget problems and the changes are going to be tackled going ahead it is thought that mitt romney is deciding who he will be running with. these are going to be major issue that is are going to be attending to and it signals
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that it is going to be attended to early in the same, should they be elected coming up in november. >> no question. a lot of the issues on the table. steve is in jamesville, wisconsin. stay with us. senator ron johnson, republican from wisconsin joining us after the break. did is honor to announce my running mate and next vice-president of the united states paul ryan. [ donovan ] i hit a wall.
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>> the commitment mitt romney and i make to you is this. we'll not duck the tough issues. we will lead. >> congressman paul ryan accepting the slot of running mate on the romney campaign. it happened two and half hours ago. senator ron johnson is a
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senator from wisconsin. senator johnson when you look at the congressman what he said. we'll not duck the tough issues, we'll take responsibility and we'll not blame other people. is that the way you expect the ticket to go forward in the general election? >> absolutely. this selection really signals this election will be about the big issues and the fact of the matter is, we have a deficit of leadership in the country and president obama, simply is not put forward any solutions to save social security or medicare and his budgets are so unserious they haven't garnered a single vote from members of his own party. this is an outstanding pick and i think paul ryan perfectly compliments governor romney in terms of his skill set. governor romney is from the private sector and understands how and what made america great and paul is steeped in
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policy and can craft legislation and get it passed through congress. >> one of the knockos mitt romney is he's talking too much in generalities and fun stuff of how to fix the economy. and not too long ago . does this add a lot of substance to the economic plan and do you think that the ryan budget becomes the romney campaign budget? >> i don't agree with the first statement. governor romney has been laying out a vision for america and that's what the election is about. choice of the path of about the obama takes us on and where he believe that is government creates jobs and versus governor romney's vision of it is an private sector and so, you know, the fact of the matter is, legislation will be crafted but once they get into the office. but the main thing we need leadership and president
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romney and vice-president ryan will actually lead. >> what do you think congressman ryan brings to the table. >> first of all intelligence. i don't know anybody more knowledgeable about the debt and deficit. let's not bankrupt the nation . unbelievable integrity and family man and a man of faith and shares optanism with governor romney. just an attitude change and rather than businesss and we had a president and vice-president who said america is open for business and we want to help you succeed and we are actually going to celebrate success. that will take all of the money off of the sidelines and put it to work in the american economy and start creating jobs and it will be hugely important to the leadership. >> i am sure you are happy that a colleague from wisconsin is on the ticket.
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wisconsin is an important swing state and with your vice-president pick you would like to see if they deliver something. could paul ryan deliver wisconsin in the republican party and coat tails with minnesota and iowa. >> paul will help across the country honestly. he's a serious person and put forward serious proposal and america is hungering for lead areship and ready to be told the truth and looking for real leaders like governor walker, people who solved problems and made tough decision and take the tough votes and paul will do that and wisconsin is a conservative state . people believe that government lives in their means and i believe that we will deliver 10-12 votes for the next president of the united states. >> good to talk to you. thank you for joining us today.
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up next, the top democrat on the budget
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committee. back >> his runningback. the reaction out of the pick . joined by the top democrat on the budget committee . works along side congressman ryan. it is a good to be with you. you have locked horns over the budget many times.
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how do you see the campaign going forward and what points will the democrat campaign now press. >> it is good to be with you . i like paul ryan personally . what this choice tells me is that mitt romney is doubling down on a economic approach that helps people like mitt romney. at the expense of everybody else. what the ryan-romney plan provides win fall tax breaks at the expense of the rest of the country and everything else . very much a return to the bush economic agenda that if you let things trickle down it will lift the boats and had it helped people like mitt romney. >> there is no question. you have to do something about the deficit and spending. and you have to do something
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to broaden the tax base and the president's plan would be to increase revenues on the same people that paul ryan would maintain cuts on. where is that a better way to go? >> i believe a balanced approach to the long-term deficit is the right way to go. that is the way it isy recommended. i don't endorse every recommendation but the overall frame work is a balanced one which is in stark contrast to the republican budget which is lopsided approach and that significantly cuts our investment in education and would ask seniors to bear the rising health care costs risk and provide a tax win fall to the folks at the top. that is not a balanced approach, but that is an approach we tried in the bush
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year and failed. >> when the first ryan budget came out the president called it darwinism. and the attack against congressman ryan. he will do anything to protect tax cuts to the wealthy k. we expect a negative campaign going forward. >> it should focus on the policy differences. there is plenty to disagree on and those differences are very stark and that is why the vice-president pick helps to sharpen the issues. no need to get into personal attacks. look at the impact of the budget. and it is standing there for everybody to look at. it provides tax breaks to the tt deeply into other investments including education, it does put the risk of rising health care costs on seniors and medicare. no question it does those.
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and eliminates the benefits provided in medicare in terms of closing the prescription doughnut hole. it is a healthy sharp debate on the issues and i hope the country will take advantage television. i believe in the end of the day, when people focus on the differences, they will not return to a souped up version of bush trickle down economics. we have been there and tried it and it failed. >> certainly nothing wrong with a healthy and sharp debate. congressman, thank you for visiting with us. >> we'll be back on the panel. steve hayes is live in the studio. and steve, you are there in wisconsin, and you are getting the flavor locally of what the reaction is. one of the things that you are looking with paul ryan in addition to the policy part of the politics there is a personal narrative. paul ryan is a intellectual and serious person. what is the personal narrative
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that can add warmth to his candacy. >> one of the things that we are likely to hear, john over the course of the next three months repeatedly from ryan's old colleagues and friends. paul ryan is a normam guy. you can sit down and have a beer and have a conversation with ryan and he doesn't talk at you like so many politicians do. if you are in a crowded room, he's not looking over your shoulder to see who is behind you. he's actually engaged in talking to you if you are talking about policy issues. that is one of the things that ryan will bring personal story and family story. the other side of that upon, he is a good campaigner. in part because he's not had a competitive campaign running for the house. bu


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